Saturday, 3 January 2015

The Reading Challenge

Having studied History and Classics at university, I haven’t really had time to read many recently written novels in the last few years (note that as a history student, anything written during or after the 20th century counts as recently written!). So, now that I can read whatever I want to and not feel guilty about it, I have set myself a few reading challenges to try and complete. Some of these will be to read books I have been meaning to for a really long time and some will be designed to make me go outside of my comfort zone and read things I have never heard of or a genre I have never really tried before.

Anyway, cutting to the chase here are some of the ones I have thought of so far:
  1. Read at least 5 Booker Prize winners
  2. Read at least 5 Pulitzer Prize winners
  3. Read a at least 5 ‘Classic’ books
  4. Read at least 5 non-fiction books
  5. Read a graphic novel
  6. Re-read a book I have forgotten most of the plot of!
  7. Read a book released this year
  8. Read a book series
  9. Read a book that came out in the year I was born
  10. Read about a period of history I know little about
  11. Read a piece of Childrens’ Literature I never got round to reading
  12. Read a Sci-Fi novel
  13. Read a YA novel
  14. Read a ‘Bestseller’ I have never heard of

So there we go! I have actually already started on the list by reading Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides, which I will hopefully post about soon.

What are your reading goals? Do you have any or do you just read whatever you are feeling like at the time? I feel like my categories are broad enough for me to be able to do that anyway really, at least at this early stage.

If anyone is reading this and has any suggestions of reading goals I could add to my list, or books I should read to help me complete the goals, then let me know :)

Beth x

1 comment:

  1. This is such a good idea. I think I would love to set a reading challenge for myself as well but probably when university gets a bit less stressful. I've also been thinking about trying to read a graphic novel. I am curious to find out whether it's my cup of tea.
    Thank you for the comment on my post btw! I hope you got my message :)
